This weekend I talked Michael into taking me to the Pacific Poultry Breeders Association show in Modesto California.
If you’ve never been to a poultry show you should go! This one had in excess of 2100 chickens, turkeys, peafowl, guineas, ducks, and geese. Try to imagine the sound coming from this exhibition hall.
I think the funniest part of the show for me was what happened with my friend Ryan’s peafowls. You can see them here, indicated by the red arrows. A couple of random “helpful”guys attempted to straighten out the crimped top of the cage which caused the cage to collapse. Free at last, free at last.
Here are a couple of close-ups. I am not sure if they ever came down or not, or if the judges climbed up to them. 🙂 Ryan was a good sport about it, but told officials that if they weren’t down by the end of the show today, Modesto Junior College would have themselves a couple of free ranging peafowl!
But that is not the reason I say Poultry Shows are dangerous. Just look what we found in our car when we got home! 🙂 We are now the proud owners of five little Malaysian seramas, the smallest chickens in the world.
We are joining the crazy world of raising seramas and hoping to stay out of any chicken drama. Life is still too short to fight over chickens.
One of the things that attracted us to seramas is their crow. If you are a regular reader, you know that we located our five chicken coops under our bedroom windows. What were we thinking? Or were we thinking at all? Anyway, here’s the crow of one of the serama boys! That should help a lot!
These are my friend Kelly’s Welsumers and Barnevelders. This was her first time showing her birds and they did well. Maybe I’ll join her next year and show my Seramas!
Now you’ll have to excuse me. I have to go read this book from 1909 that we bought at the show. I hope it’s still relevant!
Mary says
I love that crow! I got a breeding pair of Chanteclers at the last show I went to… It’s so much fun to see all the different breeds. Bantams certainly seem to be becoming more popular. I”ve never seen Seramas (just read about them). They sound very cute.